Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bay Area and Lake Country

It was great to introduce my family to Helen!!  She loved Neal's book.

To Palo Alto where we meet Neal's friend Stuart, his wife Robin, and their very easy-going dog (under the blanket).

I told you there was a dog under the blanket.

Two old pals from high school catching up.

Then on to the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco.

I loved taking pictures of the Golden Gate.

The famous international orange color was originally used as a sealant for the bridge. If the US Navy had their way, it would be painted with black and yellow stripes to maximize visibility for passing ships.  "Golden gate" refers to the passage through the strait.
Because of the 6,700 ft strait over strong, swirling tides and currents, water 372 ft deep at the center of the channel, and frequent strong winds, many expert said the bridge could not be built or maintained.

Considered by some to be the most photographed bridge in the world,  we find tourists speaking many languages at its northern end - taking pictures.

Art deco design is evident.

On to Clear Lake.  This looks much like a northern Italian lake only without the grand palazzos and quaint towns.

What are you guys looking at?

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